Beginning To Cultivate Mindfulness

Beginning To Cultivate Mindfulness

With Divi & Naples Mindfulness

M: So I think Mindfulness will help you. What I do all day is cook and clean and be with my family; a perfect time to cultivate Mindfulness. I remember when my mother passed away, I used Mindfulness, and the dishes became my therapy. It’s not so much what you do, but how you do it. Prayer is my best friend; make it yours.

I would like to suggest to you that our dialog can help me to help others. The conversations we have and a testimonial from you can be made available on the Mindfulness blog page.

Divi: By all means, I’ll help you while you help me.

M: What does your day consist of?

Divi: Oh boy…kids, home, and running errands. Stuff like that. Typical stay-home-mom.

M: This is what I would like you to do—; when with your children, or washing dishes for example, place your attention on what you are doing, specifically, your breathing and movements. The best way to start is to become conscious of your breathing. Breathe in and out without forcing. Keep your breathing natural, and focus on the feeling of your breath. Later on we will incorporate movement, but for now just focus on your breathing.

Divi: Hmmm, okay, I’ll let you know how it goes.

M: Start conditioning yourself by using a cue to trigger your mind, for instance, a mindful bell similar to when you get a message or a text. Simply take a few conscious awareness feeling breaths.

Divi: Oh, I was going to ask how long to do it. Okay, good, I’m excited to try it, lol.

M: Start with three.

Divi: Three separate times or three breaths?

M: Breaths. [Gena: should you like to put—three breaths each time the tone occurs until we move on to movement.

Diva: Okay, thanks.                               
M: No problem.


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